👾 Windows Virus Detections

Is Fluxus External a virus?

Short answer, no. This is what's often refered to as a 'False Positive' detection.

What is a False Positive Detection?

False positive is falsely and positively identifying a virus, i.e., an instance of wrongly labelling a program as a malicious program. False positive is considered as a drawback of a virus detection method. Minor weaknesses of any virus detection method can lead to false positives.

Why does this happen?

1) Due to the nature of exploiting, AV's such as Windows Defender & others incorrectly assume the software is unsafe. 2) Developers obfuscate their software i.e making the code harder to prevent the source code from being tampered with. Since the code is harder to read to prevent others from stealing it, anti-viruses will wrongly assume the application is unsafe and detect it as a virus.

How to disable Anti Virus:

Check this guide here. If you're using a third-party AV, then check a separate guide to disable.

Fluxus External AI requires to have all files in order to work. If a file is deleted by your Anti-Virus or manually, then it may cause issues with the Aim Aligner, launching or other general errors.

Last updated